junio 24, 2016

Time to manage your personal BREXIT

Filed under: Actualidad,Economía,English — Etiquetas: , , — legisconsulting @ 09:21

It is calculated that there must be nearly a million British with interests in Spain. Most of them living with us, but some others with properties, investments, businesses or even credits to be claimed.

British decided to leave the EU and all the relations with the UK, with UK citizens or the relations of the UK citizens with the countries of the Union are going to change as well as the relations with EU citizens with UK. To be honest we cannot know yet how or when these changes are going to come but for sure it will be soon.

People dedicated to a business involving the sale of goods will obviously have specific concerns about border tariffs or the increase of the bureaucracy, but also common transfers like money for community fees, supplies, lease incomes or even dividends from Business will need to change in a way that improves efficiency as much as possible.

But also rights of credits to be claimed  should be claimed as soon as possible. British affected by ‘frauds’ like never finished properties where around 100.000.- UK investors lost their money, or abusive bank clauses that the Spanish Supreme Court already decided that should be paid back by the Banks involved should be claimed as soon as possible, because even when the cost of all the judicial process will be probably assumed by the bank with no cost for the British citizen anyway, the whole process takes time and transferring the money (plus interests) back to the owner in the UK will in the near future probably have a cost that is non-existing at the moment.

Get ready and start immediately managing your personal BREXIT.

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